Phil Holmes BA (Hons), PGCE, Adv Dip.Nut MRSPH



With over twenty years as a PE teacher, I understand the value of providing in-depth knowledge for the athletes and clients I work with. Rather than simply pass on ideas for clients to follow, pHsportsnutrition aims to explain each decision and highlight the relevant science behind the advice.

This encompasses not only the required nutritional explanations but is also linked to the lifestyle and demands placed upon each individual. The initial meeting between myself and a client involves setting the scene for a typical week and month for the individual and to establish any recurring challenges to the growth and development of the athlete.

Access to the fantastic ‘Nutritics’ software enables a client to record their food diary via an app on their phone. This can then be analysed and a breakdown of all macro and micronutrient intake provided to the athlete. The results are explained and a logical way forward, linked to the lifestyle and realistic expectations of the individual is then presented to the client. With each step I offer support and guidance to gradually increase the person’s own knowledge whilst making improvements to the quality of the nutrition plan they follow; both areas combining to allow an athlete to improve their performance.

In a team setting the introductory presentation sees an explanation of the factors which may influence the nutrition intake of that particular audience and ways to overcome any obvious challenges. This may be related to age grades or, if a Corporate team, factors such as family life, lack of time or social influences. pHsportsnutrition can make such presentations a one off or a series of regular visits to allow support and a chance to monitor progress being made within the team members. With a history of bringing the best out of teams across a range of ages and sports, I focus on the human aspect of such projects and firmly believe that the forming of positive relationships is the most advantageous way to reach our goals.

I am here to educate. Once we take our first steps down this path, we begin to evaluate…

& Plan (Evaluate)
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