Phil Holmes BA (Hons), PGCE, Adv Dip.Nut MRSPH

Teens & Nutrition – Food for Thought

Teens & Nutrition – Food for Thought

Share with usSpoken to good number of teenage athletes in recent weeks and there are some clear patterns emerging : 1. They want to ‘look’ better2. They don’t know what this means in relation to food3. It’s very rare they are happy with...
Help your super athlete avoid their kryptonite

Help your super athlete avoid their kryptonite

Share with usThe wonder of youth. How many parents would go back to their teenage years knowing what they know now? I work with teenage athletes and see an all too familiar pattern. They don’t eat enough food. Or they consume waaaaay too much. Most are aware of...
Making the most of school packed lunches

Making the most of school packed lunches

Share with usThe return to school sees a return to food planning and preparation, particularly with many schools operating a reduced catering provision to help curb any spread of germs and disease. Pre-lockdown I had seen very similar patterns with the teen athletes I...
Why copying Bryson may not suit all golfers

Why copying Bryson may not suit all golfers

Share with usBryson has his first US Tour win since his phenomenal physical transformation. He fully deserves the success as he has forged his own path to find a way of squeezing even more out of a brilliant golf game as a means of becoming the world’s best player....